We meet you where you are on your wellness journey, inspiring you to dream big...

...and connect with the best version of yourself so you can achieve your goals.

We meet you where you are on your wellness journey, inspiring you to dream big...

...and connect with the best version of yourself so you can achieve your goals.

About The Fusion Physio

The Fusion Physio, LLC has been a long time in the making. It isn’t just a business concept, but a commitment to community for owner and founder Jessica Pisano PT, DPT, who prides herself in really connecting with her clients to identify the root cause of their problem, personalizing their care plans, providing hands-on services, and practicing what she preaches.

“I have heard far too many disappointing stories from my hardworking clients about the dehumanization of their healthcare related to things like excessive wait time for assessment or intervention, not feeling seen or heard by their provider, not actually getting what they needed, or leaving with a lack of understanding of the next steps. All leading back to not being able to live the life they imagined confidently or comfortably, while being left feeling discouraged, stuck, and exhausted. Health is the new wealth. We aren’t just body parts, diagnoses, or numbers. We’re human beings, we’re worth it and at The Fusion Physio we are here for you.”  - Dr. Jessica Pisano, Owner

Experience The Fusion Physio difference where we want you to have fun while you connect with the best version of yourself, inside and out, so you can get back to enjoying the ordinary things you’ve been avoiding and relish in the extraordinary experiences you’re craving.


Set up a complimentary discovery call to determine if we are the right fit. If we’re not, no worries, we’ll help you to identify who is. 


Set up an initial assessment to identify where you are currently and where you would like to be.

3.Action Plan

We team up to create a plan to reach your goals and empower you to get back to living your best life, your will, your way, our promise.

Call or Text  Today
